Victor Solis (@Visoor) is featured in the #ViñetaVerde by @EFEverde with the message «When it rains, you must know how to save.» by Víctor Solís (@visoor). From Mexico City in the #ViñetaVerde of @EFeverde. Twitter @visor, Instagram. Fb Víctor Solís-visoor. Check out more of @visoor’s environmental cartoons in the #ViñetaVerde at EFEverde. You may also be interested in: An environmental cartoon by Mexican artist Víctor Solís (@Visoor) in EFEverde among the 16 finalists for the European Cartoon Award. The environmental cartoons of artist Víctor Solís that ‘awaken’ consciences. Víctor Solís: «My intention is to provoke a look at the environment.» World Press Cartoon awards environmental cartoon by Mexican @visoor at EFEverde. The post «When it rains, you have to know how to save.» By Víctor Solís (@Visoor) in the #ViñetaVerde of @EFEverde was first published in EFEverde.